What is Post-Course PCT Therapy ?

Post-course therapy (PCT) is an important step in the process of taking steroids and, regardless of its ease or complexity, it should always be carried out. Any steroids for gaining muscle mass give a good increase in muscle mass and an increase in strength and endurance. But at the same time, many athletes taking anabolic steroids note the appearance of side effects. Some of them appear already during the course, others after, and some can be warned in advance. The main thing is the proper preparation of a full-fledged course of anabolic steroids, taking into account the funds included in the PCT. Our online store of anabolic steroids offers to purchase medication for post-course therapy. The whole range of necessary antiestrogens, aromatase inhibitors – all this you can easily order right now in this category of our website.

Why is post-course therapy necessary?

Post-course therapy aims to restore the hormonal balance of the human body and preserve the results achieved during the course of treatment, as well as preventing gynecomastia (enlargement of the breasts). Some people believe that, for light courses and especially for the first one, post-course treatment is unnecessary. However, this view can lead to unwanted consequences. The seriousness with which you approach PCT depends on the amount of muscle mass you have saved and how well you have restored your hormonal balance. A well-designed regimen of aromatase inhibitors can minimize the rollback effect after treatment completely.At the end of using anabolic steroids, athletes often experience a phenomenon known as "rollback", which is a decrease in muscle size after stopping taking steroids for muscle building. This is due to the fact that these medication are synthetic analogues of the male sex hormone testosterone.

When there is too much testosterone in the body, it reduces or stops producing it (which is why testicular atrophy and oligospermia are often seen). After the course ends, it begins to become missed, and the body's hormonal balance can take a significant amount of time to recover. When using steroids in combination, it is important to undergo post-course therapy, since testosterone production in the body is further reduced with the simultaneous use of several anabolic steroids.

It is important to note that post-course therapy should not be started until after the complete withdrawal of all steroids from the body!

What medications are required?

The list of PCT (post-cycle therapy) after a course of Sustanon, Methane, Boldenone, Oxandrolone, Stanozolol, and other combined steroid courses includes antiestrogens (such as Chorionic Gonadotropin), testosterone boosters (like aromatase inhibitors), and estrogen receptor cortisol blockers. These tools are all compatible with each other.

Antiestrogen medication help athletes avoid gynecomastia (breast tissue growth), high blood pressure (hypertension), and fluid accumulation throughout and after the course. They bring the hormonal balance of the athlete into full order.Aromatase inhibitors (IA) must be used while taking steroids, which are necessary to neutralize the estrogenic side effects of the steroids. Estrogen receptor blockers, such as tamoxifen and clomid, are the second type of antioestrogen. These medication are popular among athletes, but their mechanisms of action are slightly different. It is up to each individual to decide which one they prefer.

Cortisol blockers can be used to reduce cortisol production, which is the first hormone that destroys muscle tissue. After taking steroids, it is recommended to use Clenbuterol to maintain the increased muscle mass. Clenbuterol helps to burn subcutaneous fat and remove excess fluids from the muscles, preventing them from being destroyed.

How to Properly Perform PCT After Steroids in Three Stages?

You should understand that post-course therapy (PCT) after steroids is the most important step in using anabolic androgenic steroids (AACs). Knowledge of the necessary medication for it is not enough, and you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation. Despite the abundance of information online about the use of anabolic steroids, it often turns out to be inaccurate. Very often, there are recommendations that don't stand up to critical scrutiny. For example, some "experts" claim that PCT after methandienone (meth) and other lighter AASs is not necessary, or they suggest injecting gonadotropins in one-time dosages of around four thousand units.Today, we will put an end to these insinuations and explain how proper post-cycle therapy should be done. Only in that case will it be effective and your body won't suffer at all.

We would like to say right away that PCT (post-cycle therapy) after using methandienone, oxandrolone and turinabol should be carried out without fail.

Of course, the PCT after deca (dianabol) and meth will be different, but it should still be done in any case. Remember, even light anabolic steroids after use for a week or two can suppress the activity of all the elements of the pituitary axis. Now, we will look at three things that you should know before starting your post-cycle treatment.

Step #1: Reducing the Doses of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS)

If you have exclusively used tablet-based AAS, then you can skip straight to the third step. The longer your cycle lasts, the more time you will need to use low doses of AAS. If you have been using AAS for a long time, then the proper post-cycle therapy involves switching to shorter ester forms at the end of your cycle. The duration of using short-acting AAS should be at least 14 days. You may also want to consider adding Proviron to your course, which is typically taken daily in doses ranging from 50 mg to 0.1 g. At all stages of your training, you don't need to worry about taking this anti-estrogen.

Stage 2: The use of Gonadotropin

In the middle of a long course (starting at 14 weeks), it becomes necessary to start taking gonadotropin. Enter gonadotropin once a week in single dosages from one to one and a half thousand units. In no case should you enter 4000 units or more, as is sometimes suggested on the Internet. This can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the testicles to the effects of gonadotropins.

In total, it will be necessary to carry out three to four injections of gonadotropin at a dosage of 1000 to 1500 MA. Probably, someone will be interested in the question of why gonadotropin should not be administered at the final stage of the course and after its completion? The answer is quite simple - even short-term exposure to ether suppresses testicular function for about seven more days. Obviously, in such a situation, the production of luteinizing hormone simply cannot begin. At the same time, the level of synthetic male hormone decreases in the body, and with the help of gonadotropin, we stimulate testicular function during a course of anabolic steroids.Before the start of the second stage, you should take blood tests to determine the level of the hormones estradiol and prolactin. The level of the latter hormone should be set only in cases where you have previously taken nandrolone or trenbolone.

Remember, as we noted earlier, PCT (post-cycle therapy) is different after using deca and meth. If the level of prolactin is high, start taking 0.5 tablets of cabergoline once a week. In addition, anastrozole may be needed to reduce the level of circulating estrogens.

Stage 3: Stimulation of the Pituitary Gland with Anti-Estrogens

In order to ensure that your post-treatment therapy is as effective as possible, this step is crucial and must be completed on time. If you only used oral steroids during treatment, you can begin taking anti-estrogens the day after your last pill. It is recommended that you check the concentration of testosterone before starting this step. This will assist you in determining the timing of starting the third stage of your rehabilitation therapy, as well as, if necessary, extending the duration of your previous stage.

If testosterone levels are still low, continue taking gonadotropins for another week. As soon as the testosterone level in your body reaches the normal range, it's time to start the third phase of PCT (post-course treatment). At this time, take clomiphene, toremifene or tamoxifen. Based on our experience, we recommend clomiphene as it offers the best value for money.Let's go back to the moment when we mentioned that PCTs after deca and methanol have serious differences. Nandrolone, like Trenbolone, has progesterone-like activity, which causes an increase in prolactin levels. In this case, Tamoxifen cannot be used, and you should choose an antiestrogen between Clomid and Toremifene.

If your cycle was long and intense, but at the final stage, Trenbolone and Nandrolone weren't used, then a combo of Tamoxifen and Proviron may be very effective. The daily dose of Tamoxifen is just 10-20mg, and Proviron is 50mg. They should only be taken for the first 10 days of the third phase. Remember that we don't recommend using Tamox as it significantly loads the liver and raises the number of progesterone receptors. For this reason, it shouldn't be taken after Deca and Trenbolone. Use Clomid instead!

Where can I purchase medication for PCT?

On this page of our website, you can find everything you need for post-course treatment. We offer fair conditions, reasonable prices, and guaranteed high-quality products from reputable manufacturers. The most important thing to do is carefully read the reviews if you are considering purchasing products from other stores. Many PCT medication can also be obtained at a pharmacy, but it is often necessary to have a prescription for specific substances.