Primobolan (Methenolone)

Description Primobolan (also known as Methenolone)

Primobolan (the active ingredient is methenolone) is a steroid that largely coincides in principle of action and effectiveness with masteron. However, there are still some differences between them. The medication is available in two forms - injections and tablets. You can purchase primobolan from our website at any time. Our prices will surprise you pleasantly!

Recently, Primobolan has been prescribed even to children, as no toxicity has been detected and no side effects have been shown during long-term clinical trials. Most often, methenolone is prescribed by professionals. Although bodybuilding enthusiasts can also inject this substance into their courses, it is commonly used by athletes and others who have been building muscle with other steroids for a period of time and now want to either replace their course with primobolan or supplement it. It should also be noted here that online reviews of primobalan have played a crucial role in its use by almost every bodybuilder.

Positive features Primobolan (Methenolone)

  • Creates a muscular relief,
  • improves strength performance,
  • supports weight gain,
  • minimum rollback after the end of the cycle,
  • great for drying.
  • It is considered the safest anabolic steroid, and it combines well with testosterone.

Steroid Profile: Primobolan (Methenolone)

  • The active component of the medication, methenolone, is active for fourteen days after administration.
  • The medication has anabolic and androgenic properties, with a ratio of 88 and 44, respectively, compared with testosterone.
  • Since the steroid does not have estrogenic activity, side effects from this type of medication do not occur during use.
  • Primobolan does not have progestogenic activity,
  • the rate of aromatization is zero.
  • It is unable to convert to dihydrotestosterone and does not significantly inhibit the production of endogenous androgens.
  • Steroid metabolites are detected approximately five months after administration.

Courses with Primobolan (Methenolone)

Many athletes do not take the time to carefully study reviews of Primobolan and the properties of anabolic steroids. They often complain that they haven't gained weight at all, even though the purpose of a steroid is exactly to consolidate an existing result. This is because the phenomenon of "rollback" is of minimal significance. This is not a type of anabolic steroid that you can gain dozens of kilograms from. Therefore, it's better to include Primobolan in your cycle at the end rather than at the beginning.

The Primobolan cycle itself lasts an average of eight weeks. The dosage should be individually calculated for each person to reduce the risk of side effects to zero. Basically, the average dosage of Primobolan for bodybuilding is 300 to 400 milligrams per week.Primobolan injections still have a relatively low cost and increased effectiveness. It is no secret that Primobolan Depot was Arnold Schwarzenegger's favorite anabolic steroid. This steroid is rightly considered safe and effective for both muscle building and muscle drying.

Similar to Masteron, Primobolan is recommended to be combined with other medication to achieve maximum muscle growth and achieve a high-quality and beautiful physique. For example, one can additionally take testosterone, Nandrolone, Sustanon, Anadrol, or Methandrostenolone during a course of Primobolan. Since Primobolan has a mild effect, its use for women is also possible.If you are currently undergoing a weight loss or muscle building program, then Winstrol would be a great help. This anabolic steroid has been proven to be effective and has a relatively low price. However, you may find that low-quality Primobolan is available at a very reasonable cost. There will definitely not be any significant effect from the use of this product, but it is possible to put your liver at risk. It would not be Methenolone, which is a more expensive steroid, but rather a cheaper alternative such as Masteron.

Where can I purchase Primobolan (Methenolone)?

You can anonymously purchase primobolan in our online sports pharmacy store. We offer only high-quality products and do not sell counterfeit products. By making a purchase in our store, you can be sure of your anonymity and the authenticity of the product you purchase.

Regarding the prices of primobolan steroids, we take into account market demand and provide a wide range of price options.

Reviews Primobolan (Methenolone)

Carefully analyzing the reviews about Primobolan, it is believed that it is a "feminine" anabolic steroid. Indeed, a lot of women discuss the medication on forums and the overall opinion is positive. Of course, Primobolan is not as powerful an anabolic as Deca or Masteron, but it is still widely used in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and other power sports. Men use it more frequently than women, but women do use it in smaller doses.

  • If we analyze the feedback from users who took Primobolan, the following effects are noted:
  • no side effects even at high doses (up to 1 gram per week);
  • increase in strength;
  • minor PCT after the course;
  • increase in muscle mass.

Yes, not many other steroids can claim such a list of benefits.Unfortunately, the availability of Primobolan is failing again. The price plays a role in this, because it is very high and not available to every athlete or sport. This means that they cannot fully evaluate Primobolan in normal dosages, without having to save in grams.