


Trade names and analogues: Andropen, Omnadren, Sustabol, Androbol, Sustamed, etc.

Sustanon in ampoules or vials is a mixture of various testosterone esters that have been combined to increase the half-life to 1 month or more.

Sustanon consists of:

250 mg per 1 ml:

- 30 mg of Testosterone Propionate

- 60 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate

- 60 mg Testosterone Isocaproate

- 100 mg Testosterone Decanoate

Because Sustanon contains water, it allows the muscles to get more pumping and growth opportunities. You don't need to inject it often, unlike Testosterone Propionate, which needs to be injected every day or every other day. Instead, Sustanon 250 can be administered no more than two to three times a week. This helps to prevent the formation of seals and lumps after each injection. In therapeutic doses or during HRT (hormone replacement therapy), Sustanon can be prescribed once every 10-14 days to ensure the transition between steroid cycles (the so-called "eternal course").

Due to the fact that Sustanon 250 has a longer life span than other anabolic medication, it can and should be actively taken on mass-gathering cycles. 

Note that in addition to the ability to maintain an even anabolic background for a long time, it does not differ in properties from other esters of the male hormone. Anyone who is wondering about buying a must has probably decided to take a course with him and we will easily help you with this.

What about Testosterone Enanthate, is it better than Sustanon?

The difference between Sustanon and Testosterone enanthate (which is also a long-acting ester) is that unlike the latter, athletes can feel the effects of Sustanon after the first injection for 5-6 days. However, the effect of testosterone enanthate will have to wait 10-14 days.

The fact is that testosterone phenylpropionate, which is part of sustanon, allows athletes to get involved in training on the first day. On the contrary, Sustanon is fully included in the training process closer to the second week, and athletes do not need to wait for the "wow" effect before this time. This can be seen not only from reviews of Sustanon, but also from reviews of testosterone enanthate.

The steroid profile of Sustanon:

  • The active component is active for three weeks.
  • It has both anabolic and androgenic effects, in a 100-to-100 ratio compared to endogenous hormones.
  • Due to its estrogenic properties, the medication promotes fluid accumulation in the body.
  • Sustanon does not possess progestogenic activity.
  • Conversion to estrogen (aromatization) occurs at a high rate.
  • This process converts to dihydrotestosterone.
  • Strongly inhibits the production of endogenous male hormone..

The positive qualities of Sustanon

Sustanon-250 has the following positive qualities:

  • Due to the rapid production of proteins, muscle size increases in a short time.
  • It has powerful anti-catabolic properties.
  • Appetite increases.
  • Endurance and strength parameters are increased.
  • It gives you confidence in your abilities and increases the desire to train.
  • There is a sharp increase in sexual desire (libido increases).

Sustanon Course - Dosages

For an athlete at an average level of training, the recommended dosage is 500 - 750 mg per week. However, it's best to base your dosage on your body weight and experience with steroids. Based on this information, it's important to select the optimal dosage for your individual needs.

The average duration of a Sustanon course is 7 to 14 weeks, but it's always best to consult a healthcare professional for precise guidance. Sustanon is a long-acting steroid, so taking it for less than 6 or 7 weeks would not provide the desired results.

At a price lower than most market competitors and with a low cost per week even for the shortest courses, Sustanon offers an excellent value. For example, a 6-week course would be a cost-effective option.

Do I need a PCT after a rest period?

This is a question often asked by beginners who are considering starting a course. After completing a sustanon PCT course, it's necessary to perform! You inject a hormone from outside into your body, which disrupts your own hormone balance and, if there are no plans for another course or "steroid bridge," this means that you need to restore your hormones to their "pre-course" state. It should also be noted that.

Reviews of Sustanon

Over the years, Sustanon has been used by athletes at various training levels. Countless reviews of Sustanon have accumulated online. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are no negative reviews. Sustanon is used by all athletes, regardless of their level of experience. It can be argued that Sustanon is a universal anabolic steroid suitable for both beginners and high-level athletes.

It is impossible to ignore the reviews from foreign forums. Professional bodybuilders, powerlifters, and other athletes in the power sports industry also praise Sustanon.A frequent comparison between Sustanon and Omnadren can also be found in discussions on various internet sports sites. However, this comparison does not reveal any truly significant information. Some people prefer Sustanon while others prefer Omnadren. Although the effect of taking both steroids is the same in theory, there are some differences in practice.

One thing is certain, and we agree with the view that Sustanon can and should be used as part of your steroid cycle for any purpose, such as drying, weight loss, strength gain, or endurance improvement. The key is to choose the correct dosage to get maximum benefit from the course with Sustanon. Many athletes also note the convenience of using Sustanon because it can be stored at room temperature and in a dry, dark location, without requiring special conditions.

Where to buy Sustanon and the price?

Our assortment includes all products from the category of sports pharmacology. You can purchase high-quality Sustanon in our online store without any problems.

We try to offer you only proven medication and brands that have been personally tested by us. You will not find any cheap fakes here, because we value our long-established reputation.

The price of Sustanon is suitable for every budget, taking into consideration quality guarantees and anonymity.