Testosterone Mix (Sustanon)

The idea to create an anabolic, which will include several esters of testosterone, first occurred to the employees of the Organon company. Moreover, athletes are probably delighted with the appearance of a new androgenic anabolic steroids much stronger.

Trade names and analogues: Andropen, Omnadren, Sustabol, Androbol, Sustamed, etc.

Sustanon in ampoules or vials is a mixture of various testosterone esters. By combining these esters, the half-life is increased to 1 month or more.

Sustanon Composition: 250mg per 1ml:

  • 30mg Testosterone Propionate
  • 60mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
  • 60mg Testosterone Isocaproate
  • 100mg Testosterone Decanoate

Since Sustanon retains water, the muscles also get the opportunity for more pump and growth. There is no need to perform frequent injections, unlike the same testosterone propionate, which needs to be injected daily or every other day. Sustanon 250 is usually placed no more than two or three times a week. This, in turn, avoids seals and lumps after injections. In therapeutic doses or while on HRT – sustanon can be put once every 10 to 14 days, thereby providing a bridge between courses of steroids (the so–called eternal course).

Due to the fact that Sustanon 250 has a longer life span than other anabolic medication, it can and should be actively taken on mass-gathering cycles.

Although sustanon began to be used in sports almost immediately after its creation, the peak of its popularity was recorded in the eighties and nineties. It was at this time that a large number of papers were published describing the advantages and disadvantages of sustanon. Note that in addition to the ability to maintain an even anabolic background for a long time, it does not differ in properties from other esters of the male hormone.

Anyone who is wondering about buying sustanon has probably decided to take a course with him and we will easily help you with this.

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What about Testosterone Enanthate? Is it a Better Choice?

The main difference between Sustanon and Testosterone Enanthate is that, while both are long-acting esters, athletes can feel the effects of Sustanon after only 5-6 days of injection. However, the effects of Enanthate will take longer, around 10-14 days to fully kick in.

Another advantage of Testosterone Phenylpropionate, a component of Sustanon, is that it can start working on the first day of use. Sustanon begins to take effect closer to the second week, but you don't need to wait until then for the full effect. This is evident not only in reviews of Sustanon but also from using Testosterone Enanthate.

The steroid profile of Sustanon:

  • The active ingredient is used for three weeks.
  • It has anabolic and androgenic properties in a ratio of 100:100 compared to endogenous hormones.
  • Due to the presence of estrogen-like activity, the medication promotes the accumulation of fluid in the body.
  • Sustanon has no progestogenic effects.
  • The rate of conversion to estrogen (aromatization) is high, which leads to the formation of dihydrotestosterone.
  • This medication strongly inhibits the production of endogenous androgens.

The positive qualities of Sustanon 250:

  • Due to the rapid production of proteins, muscle mass increases in a short period of time.
  • It has powerful anti-catabolic properties, which means that it helps maintain muscle mass.
  • Appetite increases, making it easier to maintain a healthy diet.
  • Endurance and strength are both increased, making the user feel more energetic and able to train harder.
  • Sustanon gives the user confidence in their abilities, as well as a desire to continue training.
  • There is a significant increase in sexual desire, which can lead to increased libido.

Sustanon 250 Course - Dosages

The recommended dosage for an average-level athlete is between 500 and 750 mg per week. However, it is best to base your dosage on your body weight and experience level. Additionally, based on this information, it is essential to select a dosage that is specifically tailored to your needs.

The typical duration of a Sustanon course is between 7 and 14 weeks, although it is possible to use the medication for shorter periods. It is important to note that Sustanon is a long-lasting steroid, and it does not make sense to use it for less than 6 to 7 weeks.

Sustanon 250 has a lower price than other steroids on the market, so even if you only need it for a short period, such as 6 weeks, it will not hurt your budget. In this case, the choice seems clear and further discussion is unnecessary.

Do I need a PCT after the course?

This question is often asked by beginners who are about to start a training cycle. After the PCT cycle with Sustanon, it is important to conduct a PCT! You will inject a hormonal supplement into your body from the outside, which disrupts your natural hormonal balance, and if there are no further plans for a course or a "steroid bridge", this means that your hormones need to be returned to their "pre-course" state. It should also be noted that there are many different ways to structure a Sustanon cycle, so the PCT will be individual for each person. In other words, there is no single protocol. Generally speaking, Clomid at a dosage of 3 days of 100 mg, 14 days of 50 mg and 14 days of 25 mg will be sufficient for PCT after Sustanon. It is also important to add vitamins from the following groups to your diet: A, B, C, E and zinc. Avoid activities like the ones you had during the course.That is, reduce the intensity of training, while maintaining working weights.

Remember: PCT should be performed after ANY steroid cycle!

Reviews of Sustanon

Sustanon - The Steroid That Has Been Used By Athletes Of Various Levels Of Training

Over the years, Sustanon has been a popular steroid among athletes of all levels of training. Countless reviews of Sustanon can be found on the internet. However, there are no negative reviews to be found. This is because Sustanon is used by athletes for a variety of purposes, including those at the beginner and high-level levels.

It can be said that Sustanon is a versatile anabolic steroid that can be used by both beginners and experienced athletes. Professional bodybuilders, weightlifters, and wrestlers, among others, praise Sustanon in their reviews. These athletes have found that Sustanon helps them achieve their goals and improve their performance.

One of the main reasons why Sustanon remains popular among athletes is its effectiveness. It works well for different types of training and can help athletes achieve their desired results. Additionally, Sustanon does not have any negative side effects, making it a safe option for athletes to use.

Overall, Sustanon is a trusted and effective steroid that has been used successfully by athletes of different levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, Sustanon could be the right choice for your training regimen.One thing is certain, and we also agree that Sustanon can and should be used in your steroid cycles for various purposes (drying up, gaining weight, increasing strength, improving endurance, etc.). The key is to choose the right dose to get the most out of your course with Sustanon! Many other athletes note the convenience of keeping Sustanon, as it does not require special conditions for storage. It is sufficient to keep it at room temperature in a dry and dark location.

Where to buy Sustanon and its price?

Our store offers a wide range of products from the sports pharmacology category, PCT. You can safely purchase high-quality Sustanon from us without any issues. We only stock proven medication and brands that have been personally tested by us. You won't find cheap fakes here, as we value our longstanding reputation.

The price of Sustanon is suitable for all budgets, considering the quality guarantees and the level of anonymity we provide. Order a minimum amount to experience all these benefits for yourself!