Testosterone Undecanoate

Testosterone Undecanoate

Testosterone Undecanoate (NEBIDO)

Testosterone Undecanoate is the best choice for steroid bridges, HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) or long-term courses!

As the title suggests, this steroid shouldn't be taken on short-term courses at all. It is most often used in HRT, which can last for up to 4 months or even longer. In addition to injectable forms of Undecanoate testosterone, there are also two oral forms: Methyltestosterone and Andriol.

Testosterone decanoate is an oil ester as well, and it is practically identical in composition to its oral counterparts. The only difference is that the positive and negative effects of this medication are less noticeable, due to a reason that will be explained below. However, it still stabilizes the androgen receptor as well as injectable esters do.

The most common commercial name for testosterone undecanoate is NEBIDO.

Features of Testosterone Undecanoate:

Andriol, the oral form of the compound, is taken orally through the mouth, but due to its 17-alpha-alkylation, it has difficulty bypassing the liver. This is because the ether (aldehyde) will not undergo the necessary transformations with the presence of alkylation. Therefore, Andriol will not be able to convert into testosterone without a methyl radical at position 17 in its skeletal structure.

To avoid its destruction in the liver, scientists developed a clever mechanism. The medication is available as capsules containing an oil solution of the ether, and its side chain significantly differs from other ethers in order to make it lipophilic (able to dissolve in fats) and allow it to pass through the liver into the general bloodstream via the lymphatic system in theory.In theory, everything seems to be fine. However, either the resulting medication was insufficiently lipophilic or there were some other problems I was not aware of, but in practice, this mechanism does not work very well. The bioavailability of Androil turned out to be very weak. This is why, despite its numerous effects (including potential side effects, of course), it is not as effective as its competitors and, for men over the age of thirty, it is like an elephant in a small room. Therefore, it may be more useful for young athletes just starting to explore the world of sports medicine.

Finally, in addition to Androil, there is an injectable form of undecanoic acid (Testosterone undecanoate), which you can purchase from us with confidence. In terms of practical use, it is similar to testosterone enantate, except that it has a longer half-life (between 10 and 11 days).

Application of Testosterone Undecanoate:

Weight Gain: Young and inexperienced bodybuilders can start their journey with testosterone, using testosterone undecanoate as a base. It is an excellent androgenic supplement for people with malnutrition. There is also a guarantee of the absence of side effects from this product.

Drying: Perhaps the only option for testosterone that doesn't retain water and aromatizes to a microscopic extent. It will therefore complement the typical options for this phase of training, and with it. Naturally, it won't protect muscle tissue in the same way as Testosterone Propionate (for instance). However, the risk is minimal.

PCT: You can start PCT 20 days after taking the last dose of Nebido.

Committed Chemists :) : This supplement may come in handy during a period of intensive training. It stimulates libido, so it can be used during "bridges" or during periods of enforced pauses between training sessions.

In order to make our course as safe as possible, we have chosen testosterone undecanoate as the base. We add methenolone enanthate or boldenone to our partners' training regimens, depending on their individual needs. This is about the mass aspect.

Combination with other anabolic steroids

On drying, you can also use testosterone undecanoate alone. However, typical anabolic steroids during this phase are not as safe for the body as they can cause side effects. If your concern is about the side effects, it is better to combine them with a non-fat burner as well.

Dosage of Testosterone Undecanoate

The optimal weekly dosage of testosterone undecanoate is 500 milligrams. It should be noted that, on HRT, testosterone undecanoate is enough to administer 500 mg once every two weeks. That is, if one has a "bridge," and is taking a break from more serious steroid courses, the undecanoate testosterone will become a necessary medication for them.

Side effects Testosterone Undecanoate

The only possible side effect in the case of taking Testosterone undecanoate is a slight decrease in the production of endogenous testosterone. However, as we mentioned above, this is not a side effect, but rather a normal process. The same effect will be observed when using other testosterone preparations, such as testosterone enanthate or sustanon. The only difference is that the dosage and frequency of administration may vary.