Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone Acetate is a powerful androgenic and anabolic steroid with no estrogenic side effects. It is one of the most popular forms, with the shortest duration of active substance. The medication should be administered intramuscularly daily or every other day, and it is available in our online steroid store at some of the most favorable prices with an extensive selection from different manufacturers.

Trenbolone Acetate has gained its popularity primarily because it does not aromatize to estrogens, making it one of the strongest anabolic steroids when it comes to increasing strength performance.

The benefits of Trenbolone Acetate:

  • Versatility. It is equally effective for both weight loss and drying. At the same time, it is perfectly combined with any other androgenic anabolic steroids, especially testosterone.
  • Increases the level of insulin-like growth factor by 200%.
  • Promotes fat burning both independently and by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone.
  • Significantly reduces cortisol levels.
  • Due to the high anabolic and androgenic indices, it contributes to a significant increase in strength indicators, but at the same time a moderate increase in weight (since it does not aromatize and practically does not retain water).
  • The half—life is approximately 1-2 days, while the half—life of the enanthate form is 8 days, parabolan is 10 days.
  • The short form allows you to reduce the risks of progestogenic activity of the medication and cancel its intake without any consequences in case of negative factors.

Given its short half-life, trenbolone acetate is preferable for muscle building than the enanthate or parabolan forms. It does not significantly increase prolactin or progesterone, which in turn does not lead to significant fluid retention.

  • Anabolic activity: 500% of that of testosterone (high)
  • Androgenic activity: 500% of that of testosterone (high)
  • Effect on the liver: low
  • Estradiol increase: none
  • Prolactin increase: Yes (cabergoline intake may be required during use)

The dosage of Trenbolone Acetate in bodybuilding - courses

The usual dosage of the steroid in question is 75-100mg of the substance, intramuscularly, daily or every other day. Individual characteristics of the athlete and experience with appropriate medication should also be taken into consideration. The optimal course duration for a Trenbolone Acetate based course is 4-8 weeks. If longer use is required, it is best to switch to its enanthate form.

Reviews of Trenbolone Acetate

Those athletes who have been using steroids for a long time are aware of the benefits of trenbolone acetate. In the circles of experienced bodybuilders, the reviews are extremely positive about this anabolic. Bodybuilders particularly note the indispensable role of this substance in almost every phase of training (weight, muscle mass, strength, and quality). And one can't disagree with that.

The advantages of trenbolone are clearly greater than the disadvantages. Of course, this is only when used correctly, that is, in individually selected dosages. Otherwise, negative consequences may occur.

Where can I purchase Trenbolone Acetate?

The original Trenbolone can be purchased at our online store, with delivery, for an extremely reasonable price. We offer a wide variety of anabolic steroids from various manufacturers. We ensure a high standard of delivery and guarantee the complete anonymity of your data. Therefore, no one will ever know what you have ordered.