Trenbolone Mix (Tri-Tren)

Composition of Three Trenbolone (Trenbolone Mix)

Typically, Tri-Tren consists of three different forms of trenbolone:

  • Trenbolone Acetate (50 mg),
  • Trenbolone Enanthate (50 mg)
  • Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate (50 mg).

Compared to other forms of trenbolone, this medication has a longer half-life, which is more than two weeks. This makes it an ideal choice for mass building cycles. Injections of this anabolic steroid can be done very rarely, so it should be used as an addition to the main course, and not as a single substance.

Description of Trenbolone Mix

In fact, this is the best option among the forms of trenbolone, since it is not only durable due to enanthate and hexahydrobenzyl carbonate, but is also absorbed into the body almost immediately due to trenbolone acetate. In addition, you can purchase Trenbolone Mix in our online steroid store and immediately feel their effect.

Those who have already purchased Trenbolone Mix and are starting to take them know exactly what other medication should be included in the kit besides it in addition to trenbolone.

As mentioned earlier, the steroid includes all three trenbolone esters, similar to using Sustanon. Thanks to the rapid absorption of trenbolone acetate, the ester mixture takes effect quickly and affects the body over a long period of time. Experienced bodybuilders use two injections per week in order to prevent hormonal declines.To date, there is no more potent steroid than the combination of trenbolone. This versatile compound can be used to achieve any goal in bodybuilding, and with a well-planned regimen, using three trenbolones, you can achieve an extreme amount of muscle mass or get perfectly dry.

As mentioned above, trenbolone acetate increases anabolism to its maximum levels in a short period of time, after which other ester derivatives are involved in the process. As a result, after the first dose, the user will see results.

The main advantage of using Trenbolone Mix is its low dosing frequency. Since the active component of the steroid is 5 times more powerful than testosterone, users will feel a significant increase in strength throughout the cycle. The trenbolone blend is a type of nandrolone that exhibits progestin properties but does not aromatize.Anabolic is suitable for experienced bodybuilders who want to achieve maximum results. However, novice athletes should avoid using trenbolone during the first few cycles, as the risk of side effects is quite high and they will find it difficult to cope with them without experience using sports supplements.

The Positive Properties of Trenbolone Mix:

In fact, Tri Tren has all the benefits of other trenbolone. The main benefits that bodybuilders experience on the course of this potent steroid include:

  • An extreme set of high quality muscle mass, with simultaneous improvement in relief.
  • Burning of adipose tissue throughout the anabolic cycle.
  • A significant increase in power parameters.
  • A sharp increase in metabolic rate.
  • Recovery from training as quickly as possible.
  • Increased stamina.
  • Increasing the athlete's potential.

Steroid Profile:

  • Anabolic activity - 500% of Testosterone (very high)
  • Androgenic activity - 500% of Testosterone (very high)
  • The effect on the liver is minimal
  • Estradiol increase: None
  • Prolactin increase: Yes (cabergoline intake may be required during treatment)

Tri-Trenbolone Course

Since the risks of side effects directly depend on the strength of androgenic anabolic steroids, it is necessary to use tri trenbolone steroid strictly in accordance with the instructions provided. The maximum weekly dosage of the medication is 0.3-0.4 grams.

If you do not have sufficient experience using ac, but you really want to experience the power of Tri-Tren, then you should consider using tren acetate, which should be taken at a daily dosage of 100 milligrams.

Let us say a few words about the combination of Tri-tren and testosterone. These anabolic compounds complement each other perfectly, leading to rapid weight gains and the activation of lipolytic processes. We recommend starting with testosterone propionate as the first combined dosage. If you have a sufficient level of experience with anabolic steroids and need to gain maximum weight, we suggest using testosterone enanthate.An excellent choice for performing a powerful drying cycle is the combination of trenbolone and oxandrolone. It is essential to choose the right dosage of tablet medication to minimize the risk of side effects.

We recommend using oxandrolone tablets in amounts of 30-40 milligrams per day, and for more experienced athletes - 50-70 milligrams. It is strongly advised not to exceed these doses.

In order to achieve maximum results, most athletes use a combination of trenbolone alongside testosterone, which should be kept in mind.

Course duration Tri-Trenbolone mix

The duration of the Tri-Tren Solo course should not exceed two months. During this time, the receptors respond to the medication as effectively as possible, and if it is used for longer, the effectiveness of the cycle will not be as bright.

Many experienced bodybuilders have found that certain combinations of steroids can bring maximum results, and these combinations often include trenbolone and testosterone. We have already discussed this in detail above. This combination is quite obvious because it allows you to solve any problems and you only need to select one or the other ether of the "Testosterone" in accordance with your goals.

If you need to dry out as much as possible while also gaining high-quality muscle mass, testosterone propionate combined with a mix of Trenbolone and Stanozolol would be the best option.You may have seen information on the internet that professional athletes take up to 0.8 grams of trenbolone per week. However, if you are not planning to compete, then you should not follow their example. You should also understand why.

Do not believe those who claim that trenbolone is only used for muscle growth and drying. Depending on the combination of other medication, any task can be completed with its help. This includes weight loss, muscle growth, strength, and endurance, among others.

Anabolic steroids like trenbolone have a huge power, which is evident from the athletes' experiences with its use. However, it's not necessary to take high dosages to achieve desired results. In fact, taking high doses can lead to a lot of side effects and waste of money. Using AAC (anabolic and androgenic steroids) often results in a lack of quality results, rather than quantity. The dosages we mentioned in this article are average, and you should choose the best dosage for your individual needs.

In what dosage should I take Tri Tren?

We recommend using 0.4 grams of Testosterone Propionate and 0.3 grams of Tri trenbolone during the first year of use. Please note that by "first year" we mean a serious course of application. If you have never used anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) before, then this mixture is definitely not for you.

If you have used, say 0.3 grams of Trenbolone per week as your first time, you absolutely do not need to increase your dosage on your second cycle. During the time between courses, your body will rest and the activity of your receptors will be restored, so the previous dosage you used will still work effectively.

Once again, I would like to remind you that using high doses of anabolic steroids is not a guarantee for good results, but the risks of side effects increase. If you decide to use steroids, first of all, think with your head and do not listen to the advice of your gym colleagues.