


Anastrozole, when used at a minimal dosage, can reduce the level of estrogen by approximately 80 to 90 percent from its initial level. It is a type of aromatase inhibitor (IA) and enjoys great success among athletes due to its effectiveness. We recommend this antiestrogen to athletes taking steroid courses with aromatizing medications. If light anabolic agents are used, Proviron can also be used to counteract aromatization.

The main benefits of this antiestrogen include:

- Slows down the conversion of testosterone into female hormones

- Does not have the steroid nature

- Indirectly contributes to a higher concentration of testosterone

- Has a high absorption rate

- Has a strong inhibitory effect on the bodyNovice athletes should be aware that two classes of antiestrogens are used in sports. The two most popular representatives of these classes among athletes are Tamoxifen and Clomiphene Citrate. These medications are used for various purposes.

Anastrozole and its analogues help athletes control the aromatization process when using anabolic steroids with estrogenic properties. Estrogen Receptor Blockers do not directly affect the aromatase enzyme but only block the action of the corresponding receptors. Additionally, they also have another important benefit – they stimulate the function of the pituitary gland. Therefore, Anastrozole is best taken directly during an anabolic training phase. Estrogen Receptor Blockers are used during the rehabilitation process after steroid withdrawal.Many athletes prefer to use antiestrogens in order to prevent the development of estrogenic side effects. In order to do this, they should take 0.5 mg of the medication every other or third day. However, if side effects appear, the athlete's regimen will need to be adjusted:

1. They should switch to taking the antiestrogen on a daily basis.

2. The dosage should be increased to 1 mg.

Once the symptoms of the negative effects have been eliminated, the athlete should switch back to the initial anastrozole regimen. Thanks to its high efficacy, this medication is able to successfully address the challenges it was designed to handle.

Side Effects

When using antiestrogens properly, the risk of side effects is minimal. However, in some cases, the cause of the symptoms may lie in the athlete's high sensitivity to one of the ingredients in the medication. If the athlete does not adhere to the recommended guidelines, they may face the following undesirable consequences:

- A strong sense of fatigue.

- Digestive system issues.

- General fatigue.

- Headaches.In addition, there are certain contraindications for using Anastrozole. Firstly, we must take into account the presence of any chronic diseases of the heart and vascular system. This is because the Anastrozole significantly reduces the level of estrogens in the body, thereby slowing the production of compounds that help protect the heart. As a result, any problems with the heart's function may worsen.