Oxandrolone - Anavar

Oxandrolone, also known as Anavar, has several useful properties:

- Oxandrolone can give muscle tissue firmness.

- It can create muscle relief.

- In a short time, it can burn fat deposits.

- After just one course, strength performance can be improved by 40%.

- It is suitable for both men and women.

- Oxandrolone doesn't aromatize (convert to estrogen) and doesn't retain fluid in the body.

- It doesn't inhibit the production of your own testosterone.

- It's perfectly combined with other anabolic steroids.

Oxandrolone's active component remains active for 8-12 hours after use. It has anabolic properties, with androgenic activity in a 400-to-25 ratio compared to testosterone. Since it has no estrogenic (estrogen-like) activity, no side effects of that type appear when taken. Oxandrolone also doesn't have progestogenic (progesterone-like) activity and its aromatization speed is zero. It also doesn't convert to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).Reduce the production of endogenous male hormones.

Steroid metabolites are detectable for about 21 days.


Oxandrolone is not recommended for those looking to gain a significant amount of muscle mass. Instead, it is suitable for individuals who have already achieved their training goals and simply want to maintain their physical form.

How to Take Oxandrolone

Taking oxandrolone is simple because tablets, like other steroid tablets, are orally administered. They should be swallowed with a small amount of water (200-300 mL).

Oxandrolone Course – Dosage

The oxandrolone cycle lasts no more than 8 weeks and is commonly combined with other AAS, such as testosterone, to help neutralize the adverse effects of anabolic steroids on the reproductive system. In addition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including using sports nutrition, will further enhance muscle growth.The scheme for oxandrolone consumption is as follows:

1. During the first through third weeks, the daily dosage is four tablets of 10 milligrams.

2. During the fourth week, consume 5-6 tablets of 10 mg daily.

3. During week 5, the dosage is six tablets per day.

4. During the sixth week, seven tablets should be consumed daily.

Although oxandrolone (also known as anavar) is considered a mild anabolic agent, after completing the course of its use, it is recommended to take clomid for one to two weeks. The duration of the clomid treatment is one and a half months.

Drying with Oxandrolone

An excellent combo is testosterone propionate and anavar. By combining these two, you can achieve optimal results during the drying phase and gain a few kilos of high-quality muscle mass. Remember that oxandrolone is an effective option for athletes, so it won't hurt to give it a try if you're looking to enhance your physique. Thanks to the presence of the testosterone ester within the cycle, there's a good chance of achieving favorable results during the drying process.1. Propionate is used according to the classic scheme - 0.1 grams are taken every other day.

2. Oxandrolone should be taken daily in the amount of six tablets for the entire cycle.

3. The duration of the cycle is six weeks.

To prevent estrogenic side effects, during the third week of the cycle, anastrozole should be added to the regimen (one tablet after three to four days).

Rehabilitation therapy (using clomid) lasts two weeks.

PCT after Oxandrolone

After taking Oxandrolone, a PCT (post-cycle therapy) should be performed! You inject a hormone-based drug into your body from outside, after which your natural hormonal background is disturbed and, if there are no plans for a subsequent course or a "steroid bridge," then you need to return your hormones to a "pre-cycle" state. It should also be borne in mind that there may be a significant number of cycles with Oxandrolone, and there will be a different PCT for each one. That is, there is not a single standard scheme.If we are talking on average, after taking oxandrolone for a course, it would be sufficient to take clomid for two days at 100mg, ten days at 50mg and ten days at 25mg. It is also recommended to add vitamins from the following groups to your diet: A, B, C, E and zinc. Try to avoid training at the same intensity as during the course. Instead, reduce the intensity while still trying to maintain working weights.

Remember: PCT (post-cycle therapy) must be done after ANY steroid cycle!