Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have the ability to bind to the receptors of male sex hormones (androgen) and interact directly with them. At the same time, they are not affected by enzymes that convert testosterone into other compounds, so they do not cause side effects such as anabolic steroids, for example. In other words, SARMs are a great alternative to steroids. Thanks to them, you can build quality muscles and significantly increase strength without disrupting the athlete's hormonal balance.

SARMs are not toxic to the liver and are not medical medications. Today, manufacturers of sports supplements most often produce the following types of SARMs:

Ligandrol (LGD-4033) - a very popular and powerful compound that guarantees the growth of lean muscle mass and fat loss.

Ibutamoren (MK-677) - It was originally developed as a growth hormone stimulator. It also provides excellent weight gain, combats fat, increases strength, and strengthens joints and ligaments.

Myostatin (YK-11) - Myostatin has more pronounced anabolic properties than classical steroids, while not having the "side effects" associated with DHT.

Radium (RAD-140) - Radium is a muscle-building medication that belongs to the class of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). SARMs are a completely new and unprecedented group of medications with all the positive effects of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), such as intense muscle growth, strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, and changes in body composition, but without the undesirable side effects associated with AAS.

Reverol (SR9009) - Have you ever wished to burn fat and build muscles at the same time? Then, Reverol will surely be the best medication for this crucial and challenging phase.Research on SARMs has proven their safety, and most reviews of these medications are positive. This is why they are in high demand in countries around the world.

What will be the effects of taking SARMs?

SARMs have been shown to make the body stronger and more resilient, as demonstrated by numerous reviews from athletes with various levels of training. They can help you lose weight and recover from sports injuries faster. They can also be used as part of post-cycle therapy after using steroids, to supplement the hormonal cycle and increase its effectiveness. SARMs perfectly increase the production of your own testosterone. All these positive properties and benefits of SARMs have been proven repeatedly. Tests have been conducted, many tests have been performed, and measurements have been taken by athletes before and after use.

SARMs are available in the form of capsules or drops, so you don't need to inject them every day.


  • increase strength;
  • do not have any flavors;
  • don't cause gynecomastia or acne;
  • are perfectly combined with each other;
  • contribute to strengthening bone tissues and healing microtraumas from training.
  • Do not harm your liver.

Popular SARM Courses

Course for Dry Muscle Mass: Radium + Ibutamoren

 Radium and Ibutamoren is a non-steroidal anabolic combination for lean muscle mass and strength gain. This safe combination accelerates muscle growth, guarantees increased working weights, improves tolerance to anaerobic exercise, and facilitates weight loss, muscle definition, and relief. The recommended dosage is: Radium - 1-2 capsules daily, taken 1-2 times per day. Ibutamoren - 1-2 capsules daily, also taken 1-2 times per day.

 Course for Relief and High-Quality Mass: Ligandrol + Andarine

Ligandrol and Andarin are a combined course designed for muscle building and relief. This effective and safe combination consists of innovative medications that have high lipolytic and anabolic potential. These medications do not contain steroid hormones or peptides and do not have any negative effects on health. Instead, they strengthen the musculoskeletal system and help to increase athletic performance rapidly.

The course scheme looks like this:

- Ligandrol: 1-2 capsules per day, taken 1-2 times daily

- Andarin: 1-2 capsules per day, also taken 1-2 times daily

The recommended course duration is 8 weeks.

This combination is ideal for those who want to increase their endurance and strength.

Ligandrol and Ibutamorene are nonsteroidal supplements designed for endurance and strength training. The combination of these two supplements can contribute to an increase in muscle hypertrophy, which leads to rapid, high-quality and maximum weight gain. It also accelerates the increase in working weights and improves anaerobic endurance and peak strength.

The recommended dosage for Ligandrol is 1-2 capsules per day, taken 1-2 times per day. For Ibutamoren, the recommended dosage is also 1-2 capsules per day, also taken 1-2 times daily. The recommended course duration is 8-10 weeks.

Where can I purchase legal Arms?

If you are interested in purchasing Sarms, you can do so at our online store with guaranteed delivery. We only sell original products and ensure that your order is delivered safely and securely. Our website is an authorized representative, so you can be sure that you will not receive any counterfeit products.

To achieve the best results, it is important to follow the instructions carefully when using the purchased product. By following the recommended dosage and usage guidelines, you can maximize the benefits of the SARMs and achieve your desired results.